# www.novobanco.pt robots.txt # # Knock Knock! # Who's there? # Not a robot! # Ok human, I don't know what you're looking for, but we're always open to meeting new people. # # If you think you have what it takes to belong to this elite team, visit https://www.novobanco.pt/recrutamento and together we will make the future. User-agent: * Disallow: /pdfs/* Disallow: /campanhas* Disallow: /remarketing* Disallow: /app-webviews* Disallow: /ecra-tela* Disallow: /online-webviews* Disallow: /validacoes* Disallow: /*.html Disallow: /error* Disallow: /particulares/login* Disallow: /english/login* Disallow: /empresas/login* Disallow: /futuro-em-dia/menu-categorias* Disallow: /futuro-em-dia/tags* User-agent: dotbot Disallow: / User-agent: MegaIndex.ru Disallow: / User-agent: megaindex.com Disallow: / User-agent: sogou spider Disallow: / User-agent: Slurp Disallow: / User-agent: Qwantify Disallow: / User-agent: indeks.pt Disallow: / User-agent: observar.pt Disallow: / Sitemap: https://www.novobanco.pt/pt.sitemap.xml # (((/ # (((/ # /((((((((( .(((((((( (((( /(((, ,(((((((/ (((((((((( ((((((((( (((((((((, ((((((((( .(((((((( # (((( ((((, (((( ((((( *(((/ (((( ,(((( ((((/ (((/ ((((/ ,( ((((/ *((( (((( ((((( .( (((( ((((( # (((( (((/ (((( (((( (((( (((( (((( (((( (((/ (((( ((((((((((( *((( (((( (((( (((( (((( # (((( (((/ ,(((( .(((( ((((/((( /(((( *(((( (((/ ((((/ (((( (((( *((( (((( (((( . ,(((( .(((( # (((( (((/ ((((((((( (((((( ((((((((( (((((((((( ((((((((((( *((( (((( *((((((((( ((((((((( # # Juntos fazemos o futuro.