Financial Literacy for Youth
No Banco da Minha Escola
(The Bank in My School)
The Bank in My School
With the purpose of creating a more informed generation that can make conscious decisions, we joined the Financial Education Project – No Banco da Minha Escola, a financial literacy initiative, by the Portuguese Banking Association and its associates, this aimed at 3rd cycle and secondary school students.
We bring students and teachers together and help them learn about and understand topics such as budget planning and management, the banking products and services that exist or the behaviors to adopt to prevent online fraud.
In "No Banco da Minha Escola" programe 3 topics are covered:
1st period - Family Budget Planning and Management: understand what income and expense are, how to make a budget and how to manage a budget balance.
2nd Period – Financial System – Banking Products and Services: deepen the functioning of the financial system and learn about some essential banking products, such as credit, deposits, payment methods and insurance.
3rd Period – Online Security: identify the different types of online fraud and adopt the most appropriate and safe behaviors to prevent them.
In 2023-2024 scholar yearship we attended with our employees around 380 students at 3 schools in Portugal.
With this initiative and a group of 13 associated banks, they promoted around 200 financial literacy sessions in more than 40 schools, impacting more than 10 thousand students across the country.
See the list of participating schools here.
For more information, please visit the APB website.
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