Security on digital channels
The advantages of home banking
At novobanco we want to ensure that your bank is always available, with all the convenience and security you need to better manage your financial and day-to-day life.
The novobanco app: the bank that's always at hand
Get to know the novobanco app and carry out your financial transactions at any time of day, anywhere, easily and securely.
Combining accounts
from other banks and keep an integrated track of your movements.
Using the search
it's easy and helps you find everything you want to do.
the app to your needs.
Updating your personal details
quickly and easily.
Safely digital
Your safety is essential for us. For this reason, we have a validation system via push notifications, which you receive on your mobile phone and ensure the code is confidential.
Secure financial transactions
Don't give your PIN code to other people. If you're carrying out a transaction that you've requested from your manager in share mode, then you may need to provide codes - to validate the operation and the amounts.
Stay alert to potential fraud situations
Avoid giving out personal details that don't make sense for the transaction you're carrying out;
Choose difficult passwords and avoid dates of birth or the city you live in;
Password-protect your mobile phone to prevent anyone from accessing it;
Use the card securely. Never give all the characters; in app or online transactions, no more than 3 characters are requested. Do not photograph or send your card to anyone;
Read the content of the SMS carefully: if you receive validation codes, make sure they correspond to the operation and amount you want to make. Do not give these codes to third parties;
Check that the site you are using is secure: addresses should start with https or have a padlock symbol in the address bar;
Be wary of emails and SMS where the English is not correct, which talk about offers or fines, which ask you to change personal details or which have links that don't take you to the site you were expecting;
Have an up-to-date antivirus to protect your computer;
Pay attention to the applications you install, for example through downloads;
Avoid carrying out financial transactions on public networks, where security is lower, to avoid vulnerabilities.