Other ESG Events
Learn about other sustainability or social responsibility events where novobanco is a partner.
- This Space I inhabit
- A cry coming from the Oceans
Este Espaço que habito (This Space I inhabit) I Exhibition from September 29 to October 28, 2023
The exhibition "This Space I Inhabit" took place at the Imago Garage in Lisbon. A project supported by novobanco between 2021/2022 and resulting from the work of the Movement of Photographic Expression (MEF – Movimento de Expressão Fotográfica) with young people under guardianship, in the search and discovery of their own identity, with the use of photography as a technical tool of personal and social expression.
Learn more about the project at https://www.novobanco.pt/particulares/contas/causas-historico

Um grito vindo dos Oceanos (A cry coming from the Oceans) I 28 September 2023
The novobanco space, in Lisbon, is hosting the exhibition of the project that started with the challenge launched by Vanda Gonçalves (novobanco employee) to photographers Bruno Verhulst, Armindo Pereira and Filomena Sá Pinto, who exhibit representative images of their work on the diversity of marine life in our oceans.
Vanda Gonçalves is participating in the world championship of underwater photography and video that is taking place in Cuba this month of October.
The exhibition of the photographs aimed to raise public awareness of the preservation of habitats and biodiversity on the Portuguese coast.