We build sustainable relationships
Our customers, employees and suppliers are our priority. In order to meet their expectations, we have developed various mechanisms based on sustainability policies to monitor our relationship:
We create opportunities for dialogue
Feedback from the different stakeholders is essential for improving the services provided and the relationship with stakeholders. So, we provide different communication channels for each group:
Communication channels
Requesting face-to-face feedback via questionnaires and meetings
Intranet (we are novobanco, yammer internal social network and Human Resources Portal)
Thematics mailboxes (including CEO Office and "Ask CAE")
HCD Manager of current and retired employees
Human Resources Business Partner
Executive leadership visits to the commercial network
Whistleblower Line
Workshops and Lectures
Annual meeting and other themed meetings, workshops, information sessions and webinars
Workers' Committee, Trade Union Secretariat and Information and Consultation Procedure
Requesting feedback in person, online and by telephone
Formal system for submitting complaints
Branches network, Business Centres and Regional Divisions;
Social networks (novobanco Culture, Facebook novobanco and Linkedin); Events.
Mandatory and voluntary reporting
Request feedback by phone, online and in person
Investor Relations Team
Regular meetings with investors
Quarterly presentation of results
Investor website
Contacts established through a specific website (novobanco Group Supplier Portal), with information exchanged via e-mail, telephone and in person.
Providing information in person, by telephone and online:
Press Conferences
Quarterly presentation of results
Sharing specialised knowledge through social networks and the media (radio, newspapers, television)
Ongoing face-to-face, telephone and online dialogue with Associations, IPSS, social and environmental NGOs
Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives
Participation in conferences
Social networks (novobanco Culture, Facebook novobanco and Linkedin)
We follow ESG principles
Having a structured governance model, supported by policies and principles that ensure the effective and prudent management of our activity, is a fundamental indicator for the sustainability of our business. To this end, this model is constantly monitored and managed with transparency and impartiality.
- English
- Português

Policy and Principles ESG

ESG policies and principles
We establish sustainable partnerships
In the quest for a more sustainable world, we have the support of several important organisations in Portugal. These are partnerships that we have built up and that we intend to maintain, always with one goal in mind: A better future.