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Trade with the Trading Pro Service platform.

The new novobanco trading platform, in partnership with Saxo Bank, enables you to invest in financial products in the national and international markets from your current account, making your investments immediately. You may, also, count on the Trading Pro Service dedicated helpline.

  • Trade on a global scale

    Just feel to be in a real online market exchange – 24h a day – and browse the main world markets.

  • Analysis in detail

    Access to multiple technical and fundamental analysis tools for your financial instruments and markets studies.

  • Zero maintenance fees

    Trade without the payment of securities custodian fees and Trading Pro Service maintenance fees.

  • Dedicated team

    Dedicated help by the trading team for clarifications and follow up of the service and use of the Platform during your transactions – phone / Chat / E-mail.

  • Market news in real time

    Updated news in real time lastest market analysis and continuous broadcasts in the Platform of messages with the main highlights.

  • Trade Globally easily

    Trade without limits, with immediate reinforcements and withdrawals from your account.

Investing in financial products may result in capital losses due to price variations. In particular, investing in leveraged ETFs (PRIIPs) may result in losses in excess of capital.

Access a free demo account with a 100,000 € virtual balance, 20 days for free.

Discover where you can invest



  • Securities traded in a stock exchange representing the social capital of a company. The price of the shares is influenced by internal and external factors to the company.

  • Access more than 50 of the major world markets.

  • More than 15,000 securities are available to trade globaly.
ETFs (Exchange Traded Fund) - PRIIPs

ETFs (Exchange Traded Fund) - PRIIPs

  • Investment funds traded in a stock exchange that invest in several financial assets (shares, bonds, currency, etc.). They replicate indices, geographies, sectors or commodities, offering diversification.

  • Non leveraged or leveraged ETFs (PRIIPS) traded in more than 16 stock exchanges and available for different investment strategies. 

Before acquiring a complex product difficult to understand, you should read the Key Information Document available for consultation in this page in «Pre-contractual Information».

Whilst investing in this type of financial assets, you are exposed to market, exchange, interest rate, credit and liquidity risks.

The novobanco Trading Pro Service has a significant diversity of categories of securities that allow the constitution of diversified portfolios that reduce the individual risks of each application.

The results registered in the past do not constitute an indicator or any guarantee for future results.

Whilst investing with your own assets it is important to bear in mind your investor profile and financial objectives. If you have a more conservative profile and look for lower risk investments, it could be wiser to look for alternatives in more conservative securities, such as less cyclical shares or noncomplex ETFs (PRIIPs).

On the other hand, if you are willing to take some risks in search of higher returns, other categories of the Trading Pro Service are available which you may prefer.

The information herein provided, the information available in the Trading Pro Service powered by Saxo Back as well as any information transmitted by the support team dedicated to the Trading Pro Service is merely informative and cannot be interpreted as investment suggestion, recommendation or proposal in any product, service, financial instrument or issuer, not being evaluated any individual characteristics of the investor.

This message is submitted by NOVO BANCO, S.A., registered with the Portuguese Securities Market Commission under number 362.

Trading Pro Service

How to sign up?


Access your current account

Log on to the digital channels, choose from the menu the option «Savings and Investment» and choose the option Trading Pro Service. Create the access to the service, providing the necessary information and sign up to the service.


Choose the financial instruments

Verify and analyse the documentation on each financial instrument and choose which you want to trade.


Trade in the Trading Pro Service platform powered by Saxo Bank

After the two first steps, activate your Trading Pro Service with an immediate transfer from your current account with novobanco, minimum 500€, and you may start to trade.

Access a free demo account with a 100,000 € virtual balance, 20 days for free.

Do you need help? 

Talk with the team dedicated to the Trading Pro Service, available throughout the European and American markets (8 a.m. – 9 p.m.) trading hours – by chat, phone or e-mail - obtaining information on your account, placement of orders, information available financial instruments or even market news.


  • Phone

    Customized service between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m., during business days and holidays, excluding market holidays (cost of a call to the national fixed network).

  • Chat

    Access the Chat available in the platform, option «Conversation», upper right corner, and place your suggestions in real time.

The information transmitted by the support team dedicated to the Trading Pro Service is merely informative and cannot be interpreted as an investment suggestion, recommendation or proposal in any product, service, financial instrument or issuer, not being evaluated any individual characteristics of the investor.

Saxo Bank partnership

Saxo Bank partnership

Due to an institutional relationship of almost 20 years, novobanco, in partnership with Saxo Bank, provides now to our Customers the access to one of the most complete and advanced Trading platforms on the market.

Saxo Bank, a Danish financial institution with more than 30 years of experience, owns one of the most award-winning electronic platforms existing on the market, with more than 1 million clients, direct clients or clients through strategic partnerships in more than 180  countries, with global assets over 100 billion dollars and access to more than 71,000 financial instruments.

Today, more than ever, novobanco assumes the basic purpose of Saxo Bank of making the global financial markets more open to all investors.

Documento de Informação Adicional (DIA) Ações Documento de Informação Adicional (DIA) Ações
Specific Conditions: Shares Specific Conditions: Shares
Documento de Informação Adicional (DIA) + Documento Informação Fundamental (DIF) ETF Não Complexo Documento de Informação Adicional (DIA) + Documento Informação Fundamental (DIF) ETF Não Complexo
Specific Conditions + Key Information Document: ETF Non Complex Specific Conditions + Key Information Document: ETF Non Complex
Documento de Informação Adicional (DIA) + Documento Informação Fundamental (DIF) ETF Complexo Documento de Informação Adicional (DIA) + Documento Informação Fundamental (DIF) ETF Complexo
Specific Conditions + Key Information Document: ETF Complex Specific Conditions + Key Information Document: ETF Complex

Execution of Orders Policy Execution of Orders Policy
Complaints Mechanism Policy Complaints Mechanism Policy
Conflicts of Interest Policies Conflicts of Interest Policies
Financial Intermediation Pricelist Financial Intermediation Pricelist
SAXO Execution Policy SAXO Execution Policy
Suitability Assessment Policy Suitability Assessment Policy
Pricelist - Trading Pro Service Pricelist - Trading Pro Service

Trading Pro Service

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